Whats threatening the diversity of acoustic communication in the modern industrialized society?
Mechanical sound generating devices, like industrial machines, cars, planes, air conditioners, or construction vehicles provide fundamental capabilities of modern life. Coincidental those devices transmit heavy amounts of sound pressure. Beside quantity and in contrast to those sounds described above, the quality of those sounds is characterized by the lack of information those sounds imply. A motor for example executes thousands of piston strokes in one second, which are all identical, extremely loud and which affiliate into a constant sonic wave because of the hight speed of the operation. The huge amount of those kind of sound emitting devices overlaps any subtle sonic diversity in the most parts of the modern urban living environment.
The applied load of mechanical noise to the living environment is still increasing in a worrying way in difference to most of the other forms of environment pollution. To get a quantitative idea of this increment it is possible to exemplary regard the quantitative development of road, air and rail traffic. Traffic noise describe the essential fraction of noise pollution, also because those forms of noise are carried right into the center of urban living environments. All forms of mentioned traffic constantly increased in the past and they will in future, without any approach of effective defense in sight.