The Acoustic Refuge Projekt: atmo recording and listening experience » What is the impact of constant rising noise pollution?

The Acoustic Refuge Projekt

What is the impact of constant rising noise pollution?

On the one hand side noise affects the acoustic communication. The permitted outdoor exposure levels in the zone of influence of airports for example are regulated by law. Those laws legitimate announcer-listener-relations which are so bad, that those demand a strong effort for a verbal conversation between two healthy, grown up individuals over a distance of only one meter. In the long run this steady effort causes abortions of conversations, decrease of communicational motivation and leads to a minimalist style of speech. Same is essential to outdoor areas under influence of heavy frequented road traffic routes. In excess of communication effort for grown up and healthy persons, noise constricts young humans within the development of those complex sensory and motor skills, which are mandatory for a unobstructed use of language. For individuals with hearing impairment those laws legitimate a social exclusion from verbal communication in outdoor living environments.

Beside the loss of a acoustic comprehensive living environment noise pollution evokes serious health threats. Health effects are divided in three topics. There are damage to hearing, other physiological damages and psychological damages.

A frightening big group of persons in Germany suffers irreversible damage to hearing. This damages can occur in very diverse ways, for example in form of a threshold shift, in form of the disease pattern called auditory pit (C-5) or in form of ear noises. There are more and more patients with age related diseases. But also the number of young people with ear damages is astonishing high. For people with ear damages it is especially hard to live in noise polluted environments, because for those people noise occurs even more incriminating. A healthy ear is a important cognitive protective shield in a crag noise-polluted world.

Beside the “aural” implications directly harming the hearing aid, noise influences the development of other physiological diseases. Noise pollution leads to insomnia and hypertension. Moreover intensive sound pressure levels promote the appearance and development of psychological troubles like tachycardia and anxiety disorder. This group of diseases not interfering the hearing aid itself are called “extraaural”. Noise pollution is alway one of several accompanying parameters within the course of a disease. That makes a definite assignment of dose and output of noise loads alway vulnerable.

Published by admin, on March 14th, 2012 at 2:15 pm. Filled under: BackroundNo Comments

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